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Page 8

  “Good morning Mama.” Margret responded as she hung her car key on the hook by the door. Mama had an unnatural smile, she always did. One would imagine a woman living the life she had to be a miserable gloom, but the whole thing brought her closer to the lord. She welcomed everything; the incest, the abuse, and the murder.

  “Go on, get yourself all dolled up. Tonight we are to have a special event. Tonight we will have a Moloch.” The word made her cringe. She forced a smile and took off toward her room. As she turned the corner she was confronted by Gretchen.

  “Good afternoon slut.”

  “Let me pass Gretchen, please I need to get ready.”

  “Shameful are we to hold secrets. I know what you’ve been doing little sister.”

  “I’ve got no inkling as to what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, I do believe you do. That little hippie boy; and Papa will find out soon enough.”

  “Again, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Go on; play the ignorant girl all you want. Tonight is the Moloch, wouldn’t ruin that for Papa. Tomorrow however, let’s say that Teddy will join the rest in the field and if you’re lucky Papa will have mercy upon you.”

  Margret had heard enough. She pushed pass her sister and to her room. Once inside she slammed the door shut and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She knew tonight something would have to happen, because if not than her entire life would end as she knew it.

  “If only the lord willed it.”


  “My loving family, we gather in this basement tonight to hold a sacred ritual to the lord almighty.” Papa screamed with his hands up to the air. Gretchen, Kendra and Mama all had their hands in the air as they prayed. Margret didn’t, she was lost in her mind desperately trying to find a way out of this mess. Papa noticed this but decided not to address it. “The crops have been dead for some time. The blood of sinners have spoiled this land. I have given the lord their bodies and hoped for the crops to return. We haven’t given enough as of yet I reckon. My lord, today I offer you this body of a little girl. In return for this sacrifice I ask you to bless our crop once again.”

  Papa turned and pulled back a red curtain. Locked inside the furnace was a crying little girl no older than five. The Baker family seemed to be crying at the beauty of such an event; however Margret cried for the little girl. She wished she could go over there and open the furnace; release the girl and set her free into the world. She knew it wasn’t possible. The little girl with her chubby cheeks and summer dress made her think of her child Papa killed.

  “Lord Jesus Christ, king of the world, I offer this child.” Papa hit the switch and the flames shot up. The little girl screamed as her flesh melted off her body. The child cried out and thrashed inside the furnace as the basement began to stink of burning flesh.


  The scream of a child; he certainly heard this. There was no way he imagined it and this was proper justification to enter the dwelling of this family. He had positioned himself near the father’ Skylark to investigate the contents of the trunk. He thought he saw blood but after that scream he was certain. He held his shotgun close to his body and approached the front porch. He opened the door just as smoke from the chimney began to spill into the sky above.


  “So are you prepared for your punishment?” Gretchen whispered to Margret. Papa was in meditation, praying to the lord as he stood before the charred corpse of the little girl.

  “Gretchen, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “There’s no way out of this. I saw you two having sex at the Briars.”

  “What were you doing at the Briars?” Gretchen choked back for a second. She raised a finger to talk but Margret cut her off. “If you saw me at the Briars you must’ve been there for a certain reason as well. I’m guessing it’s that little bucktooth redneck who runs the service station. Sure would explain why you’ve been wearing a scarf lately. He leaving vampire marks?”

  “Bitch.” But before anything else could be said the basement door broke open and the room filled with a loud explosion. Mama, still smiling, flew back as her insides blasted out her back and hit the wall before she did. Standing from behind the smoking barrel of the shotgun stood Sheriff Johnson.

  “Everyone put your goddamn hands in the air!” The Sheriff hollered as he pumped a fresh shell into the chamber. Everyone was silent, no one as silent as Mama. She had died within seconds of hitting the wall, that stupid smile still upon her face. Papa didn’t seem to be too distraught over Mama’s death. He seemed more concerned with the interruption of his ritual.

  “Sheriff, we respect you as an authority of law but the law of god is almighty and I cannot have you using his name in vain.” Papa said as he rose from his seated position. The Sheriff aimed the shotgun at Papa.

  “Kenneth Baker, I wouldn’t move another inch. If you move anything more than a frog’s hair I will decorate your basement with the brains of each and every member of this fucked up family. I intend to take you in.” The Sheriff now descended the stairs and made his way across the basement floor. He now stood before Papa.

  “Take me in for serving the lord? My dear Sheriff, I do fear that Satan has-“

  “Save me the bullshit Ken. This whole town knows you’re fucked up but just not this much. You-“He was cut short as a knife ripped through his neck. The blade burst through the front as the blood sprayed across the room and into the face of Papa. Standing behind the Sheriff and jamming the knife deep inside was Margret. She leaned in and whispered into the dying man’s ear.

  “I’m sorry Sheriff, but this is my only way out of this hell.” She immediately tossed the Sheriff down as Gretchen and Kendra stood in shock. Papa smiled at his youngest daughter but the smile quickly faded as she picked up the shotgun, pumped it and pointed it at the man she despised.

  “My dear Margret, what’s the meaning of this defiance?” He asked in a pleading voice. She shook her head.

  “Papa, you’re sick. Do you remember when Trevor broke his leg?”

  “Hun, that was a dog. Dogs are different.”

  “You said Trevor was in misery and the only proper way to give him relief was to end his life, do you remember?”

  “I do, but child that was a dog. We are vessels of the lord and-“His speech was cut short as the buckshot unloaded into his chest. For a second the entire room froze. There was no movement. Papa spit up blood as he swayed like a drunk. Finally he fell backwards and slammed his head off the ground. From his body came a strange sucking sound as blood poured from his chest.

  “Papa!” Gretchen yelled as Kendra dropped to the ground crying. Gretchen ran to the side of her dying father as she rubbed his forehead. “Papa, don’t die.”

  “Join him bitch!” Margret pumped the gun and unloaded another shot. This one tore Gretchen’s head off her shoulders. The headless body slumped over onto her father’s body. Margret turned to Kendra. “You want to die next?”

  “You know damn well that if you were to pump that gun one more time I would pounce on you like a rabid dog and bite your throat out before you had a chance to get a shot off.” Kendra spoke with absolute confidence. Margret held the shotgun tight but was unsure of whether she should take the shot or not.

  “Maybe so.” The voice was that of Teddy. He descended the stairs with a pistol pointed at Kendra. “But I’ve got a clear shot and have been told I’m very good.”

  “Teddy, how on earth?”

  “Not now sweetheart. Right now, my only concern is getting you out of here.” He never once took his eyes off Kendra. “Kendra, do you hear me?”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Sorry skank, not my type. Now this is how this little standoff is going to go down. Me and Margret are about to leave. Now, her car is a piece of shit and I don’t think Ken has much use for the Skylark anymore. Do you Ken?” Teddy yelled over to Papa, but he didn’t respond. “See, he doesn’t mind. Now we’re going to take it a
nd leave. Do what you want here after we leave. The house and all the bullshit within it is yours.”

  Kendra nodded her head as she sat down on the floor in defeat. Margret turned and smiled as she watched her father’s pupils dilate and his breathing stop. “Goodbye you murderous son of a bitch.”

  Outside the two young lovers jumped into Papa’s Skylark. Teddy started it up just as Margret kissed hin on the cheek.

  “How did you know?”

  “I went home and felt something was wrong. I decided to walk over and check on the house, see if anything was out of the ordinary. I saw the Sheriff’s car and wondered if something happened.”

  “And the gun?”

  “Call it redneck paranoia.”

  “Thanks god for that.”

  Teddy put the car in reverse and swerved around Margret’s old Bel-Air. They pulled past the Sheriff’s vehicle parked along the side of the road and peeled out toward the interstate.

  “So where to?” Margret asked as her boyfriend guided the vehicle.

  “San Francisco, of course.” She smiled.

  As they drove off she took a look back in the rear view mirror. She wanted to see her house one last time. She noticed in the distance the flames reaching the sky. She knew at that moment her sister had set fire to the house. She thought for a second about telling Teddy but refrained. As they drove on the clouds broke and the sun finally shined.

  Mortuary Child

  “I’m telling you, she’s the type.” Ted said as he placed a human brain on a scale. He wrote the weight down on a scratch pad. “I mean a woman like that has to suck cock.”

  “What do you mean?” Ted’s partner, Steve, asked. Steve was using a tissue to clean his eye glasses. He frowned as he removed the blood which splattered in his face. No use in being upset so he forced a laughed. “What do you mean by a woman like that?”

  “I mean let’s go over the facts. She smokes.”


  “She has thick lips.”


  “She bites her nails.”

  “And; this proves cock sucking how?”

  “These all point to an oral fixation which can easily be satisfied by one thing; felatio. Man, do I need to spell it out to you? She’s down to suck.”

  “I forgot, Ted, you are the almighty ladies man.”

  “I don’t proclaim the fame, but the legends are all true. Many ladies have been brought to my house and broken open.” Ted took the brain and tossed it into a plastic bag. The bag was then placed on a counter among saws and drills.” Well it is clear what killed this young man. It is lack of blowjobs.”

  “Come on man.” Steve leaned over to the computer and began typing a report. “Let’s finish this up and get the fuck out of here.”

  “I know, however that will be your cause of death if you don’t try anything tonight. No, this young man died of from a projectile entering the temporal and tearing through the diencephalons. It currently still is lodged. This said projectile is a .22 caliber bullet which was fired from execution range. By the markings on his arm this young man was a member of the exclusive after school club called The Crips.”

  “Gang violence, case closed. We can head out.” Steve turned to write down some final notes as Ted covered the cadaver with a sheet. The corpse was pushed back into the freezer until morning where it will be picked up by whatever funeral home the victim’s family had chosen.

  “Not so fast.” The front door swung open as a sarcastic and cocky Patrick walked in. Patrick was a white haired old pervert; he helped around the morgue with odd jobs, everything from changing light bulbs to fixing leaks, Patrick had done it all. Right now he was pushing in a gurney; and beneath that sheet was overtime.

  “Come on man; don’t tell me that’s what I think it is.” Ted complained as he locked the freezer. He shook his head. “It can’t be.”

  “Sure is boys; I present you all with Jane Doe.” Patrick pulled the sheet back. Laying on the metal gurney was a nude red haired woman in her twenties. She was about five foot four, slim build, and very striking…for a pregnant corpse.

  “Holy fuck, leggo my preggo.” Ted shouted as his annoyance turned suddenly into a morbid curiosity.

  “Wow, never dealt with a pregnant corpse before. This is fucking creepy.” Steve said as he made his way closer. He ran his eyes up and down her body trying to find any kind of cuts, gunshots, needle marks; anything that proved this woman was indeed dead. He found no apparent evidence during an initial glance over.

  “What’s more creepy is that no one knows who she is, but even more so is no one knows how she died. She was discovered in a hotel room.”

  “Drug overdose perhaps.” Steve said. “I mean anyone can get pregnant. She could have been some junkie, the fetus a trick baby from whoring herself.”

  “Possible, but she was found among candles and pentagrams. Real creepy shit, ya know?”

  “The fuck you mean?” Ted asked, feeling uneasy as he stared at the lifeless eyes.

  “Satanic shit I guess. Don’t know the details, cops tend to be vague; a mystery none the less.”

  “A mystery I elect to solve tomorrow.” Ted shouted.

  “I second that. Are you with us Patrick?”

  “I want to get the fuck out of here as much as the rest of you. You can go; I will lock her in the freezer.”

  “No, we’ll do it. We don’t mind.” Steve answered as Ted shot a look of what the fuck did you just say.

  “No might as well be me, I got some paperwork to fill out still and on top of all that I’m not so anxious to get home and see the old woman.” The three of them laughed as Patrick made his way to the freezers. Ted and Steve quickly grabbed their coats, fearing Patrick will change his mind. .

  “Alright then, we will see you in the morning Patrick.”

  As Ted headed out the front door he could have sworn he heard a baby crying.


  That night Ted dreamed of the pregnant woman, however she was not the corpse which waited for them the next morning in the freezer, she was alive. The woman stood before him completely naked. Slowly she rubbed her hands over her belly, smiling at him.

  “He’s just like his father you know.” Her voice was soft, insecure but sweet.

  The light came in from an unknown source, a spot light of sorts, similar to those used in a low budget theater performance. The glow shined over her perfectly plump breast; over her light pink nipples. Ted felt a strong sexual draw to this woman, one he couldn’t explain.

  “Who’s the father?” Ted asked the woman. Her timid cuteness immediately faded; replaced with a sense of confidence and arrogance.

  “Oh, he goes by many names, but to pick just one, most call him Satan.”

  The light changed from a normal, neutral glow to a red tint. Her body so elegant and slender, except for the pregnant belly, moved closer as she wrapped her arm around his neck. Ted tried to resist, but found it impossible. He leaned in as their lips locked together. He felt her tongue slip into his mouth as he closed his eyes.

  She ran her hand over his chest, down his stomach and beneath his belt. She continued until the flesh of her hand wrapped around his penis. He felt numb as stimulation shot throughout his body. He wanted her. There kissing intensified as he felt her fingers pulling his hair. He opened his eyes.

  Her skin had turned a dark blue. Rotting chunks of meat were falling free, exposing the white bone underneath. The hair on her head was thin and her eyes were missing as maggots filled the sockets. Ted pulled back in revolting terror, trying in desperation to pull her hand out of his pants.

  “Let go of me.” He screamed.

  “Oh come on, let’s fuck. I can suck a mean cock.” She opened her mouth as worms and cockroaches fell out... Her swollen blue tongue began to fall apart as it flickered like a snake’s. “I’m the devil’s little whore.”

  Ted shot wide awake. Drenched in sweat, he sighed as relief flowed through his body. He knew there would be no
more sleeping that night.


  “Then you fucked up man.”

  “I didn’t fuck up, she just doesn’t like to suck dick. Not all women do.” Steve tried to defend his manhood. Ted shook his head and snickered.

  “Man, I am telling you, all women do these days. It’s like a requirement, a pre-programmed oral instinct. You just weren’t hitting the right switches.”

  “You’re so full of shit, just open the door.”

  As the door swung open Ted and Steve’s smiles faded as their jaws hit the floor. There was blood was everywhere. The walls, the floor, even the ceiling dripped. Both of the men immediately ran to the corpse freezer and found one of the doors open. Resting upon the gurney was the corpse of Jane Doe, however her abdomen had been hollowed out and her internal organs scattered all around the gurney. It looked like some savage dogs ripped her apart. More disturbing, her baby was missing.

  “What the fuck’s going on?” Ted asked as he tried desperately to hold down his breakfast.

  “The fetus was stolen.” Steve responded as he shook his head in disbelief and made his way to the office.

  “This is a fucking joke. I’m not cleaning this mess up. I’m going to fucking kill him.” Ted was in total disbelief. He turned to his partner. “What are you doing?”

  “I'm calling Patrick; that cocksucker is playing a sick prank on us and I’m not in the mood.”

  “I don’t know man, this whole thing…it just doesn’t sit right.”

  “Well you ponder your little theory while I make the call.” Steve pulled open the office door and immediately threw up. Quickly he slammed it shut and shook his head; his breaths coming out in nervous little bursts.

  “Steve, what the fuck?” Ted called out as he ran to aid his friend. Steve just kept panting and pointing at the office door. Sitting in a chair was the corpse of Patrick. His eyes had been torn from their sockets, his nose ripped off; his entire face was gone. The only identifying factor that this hunk of meat was once Patrick was the clothing he wore. All around his body were hundreds of lit black candles. The flames danced wildly as they cast ominous shadows throughout the room. On the wall behind the corpse was a pentagram which had been drawn in blood.