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Torture Porn Page 7

  The bitch was now bent down trying to measure the little piece of plywood. The child reached down and grabbed the hammer. He held the steel tool in his hand. He raised it above and slammed it down with all his might.

  The sound was hollow. It echoed throughout the cellar as the skull cracked from the impact. She let out a muttering attempt to yell but it was caught in her throat. She spun around on the ground as she spit blood out her mouth; the impact forced her to bite her tongue. Her eyes were wide open as she pushed herself into a corner, trying to get away from the child.

  “What have you done?”

  “I want to be free mama; I want to be with the other kids.” He responded with a head full of confusion.

  “They’ll kill you. Don’t you realize this? I have been among them; I know how they can be.”

  “I don’t believe you. You hate me.”

  “Oh dear, I tried so hard to protect you that I made you despise me. I am not your enemy, they are. I’m your mother and you’re my son.”

  Suddenly he felt bad as he watched the tears coming down her cheek. Was it true after all? Was she just trying to protect him? He had to admit, the situation was a little bizarre, but that didn’t render it untrue. He felt his own eyes begin to tear as he looked into the eyes of his frightened mother.

  Just then, Rodney came out from the shadows. He stopped and looked at the child.

  “No Rodney, it was a misunderstanding.”

  The rat just stared.

  “No she won’t kill you, isn’t that right mama?”

  “No, I won’t kill your friend.” She played along as she tried desperately not to fall asleep. She knew if she was to fall asleep she would not be waking up.

  “You see Rodney.”

  The rat looked up and its tail shifted left.

  “She’s just pretending?”

  “No honey, I’m not pretending.”

  “She wants me to let my guard down so she can attack me?”

  “Please don’t do this, I love you.”

  “She plans on overpowering me and taking the hammer?”

  “Please, oh god I’m sorry.”

  “She’s planning to bash my head in, bury me and pretend I never existed?”

  “Please I beg you son, don’t do this.”

  “I guess it wouldn’t be hard to hide the fact that she killed me, no one knows I exist.”

  “It’s just a fucking rat, it’s not talking. You just need help. You need help. That rat doesn’t talk, your mind just isn’t right. I can help you though, just put the hammer down.”

  “No, I think Rodney is right.” And with this he raised the hammer and brought it down. He smashed it down four times with all his might directly in the center of her face. She screamed for the first two blows, but after that all one could hear was the child’s grunts, the sound of shattering bone and the squishing of bloody meat and sinew. When the child pulled back he saw the face of a monster was now nothing more than hamburger meat.

  The child dropped the hammer to his feet. He stumbled back a little, shocked. He turned and saw Rodney just staring at him. His little black beady eyes, his long nose, his pink tail; Rodney was pleased.

  “I did it. I killed her.” He suddenly felt an overwhelming joy, a sense of freedom. He laughed as he realized it was finally over. He could finally be a normal kid.

  Outside he heard them; the voices of his soon to be best friends.

  “I’m going.”

  The rat just stared.

  “What do you mean? My mom was wrong. They will like me. I know it.”

  Rodney turned and quickly scurried off into the shadows.

  “Don’t be jealous Rodney. You’re my best friend; you know that. I’ll be back later. I’ll tell you all about it.”

  The boy opened the front door cautiously. He wore a pair of shorts and a t shirt he found in his mother’s closet. They were a little big but they would do. Clothes were not the biggest concern of his; his anxiety was. He was excited, yet frightened. He’d never been outside before. The whole experience made him nervous. The boy took a deep breath and stepped out into the sunshine.

  He walked down the front steps and out into the yard. Fear and excitement overwhelmed him; his heart beating violently against his chest. Only a few feet away were the children he had been watching his whole life; the children he dreamed of playing with. He didn’t care what mother said, nor did he care what Rodney said. He was going over to them.

  As he approached they all stopped. They gawked at him in a state of awe. One of the girls, Rachel, had a look of fright in her eyes; however the rest look with curiosity. They looked at the boy’s skin; saw his muscles and organs. They saw the bones and veins, the pumping blood. The whole thing was surreal to them, but for the boy it was even more so. Years in a basement and finally he was free.

  “Why do you look like that?” Cory asked. The boy was prepared to answer these questions. It would be foolish to imagine that they wouldn’t ask about his condition.

  “It is a disorder. I was born this way.”

  “Are you a monster?” Becky asked. The boy from the basement frowned as he shook his head.

  “No. I am a kid just like all of you. I was just born with different skin.”

  “What’s your name?” Bobby asked. His name; he hadn’t been given one. His mother would refer to him as the mistake, a monster and a product of her sins; none of these were his name however.

  “I was never given one, but I do like the name Jared.” As he spoke the name he felt suddenly a strong attachment to it.

  A real name for a real boy.

  “Ok then, we’ll call you Jared.” Bobby responded. “Give us one second Jared.”

  The group huddled. Jared heard hush arguing among the group. His head was full of games they were about to play. He was so excited he thought his heart would explode. Finally the group turned back to him and Cory stepped forward.

  “Well you are welcome to play with us Jared. We are heading over to the gravel pits to play hide and seek; wanna join?”

  Jared felt tears in his eyes. His smile was impossible to hide. He felt something he never truly felt before…joy.


  With that the group moved out. They crossed through the woods and near the creek. They followed the stream a little while. Occasionally Becky or Rachel would look back at him with whispers. He saw they were still afraid. He didn’t mind. He knew that by the end of the day they would all be best friends.

  Once the trees broke he saw what the kids referred to as the gravel pits. This was a place where massive piles of stone lay. They stretched taller than a house. There must have been a dozen of these little mountains. The group stopped in front of one mountain and Cory turned to Jared.

  “Ok do you know how to play hide and go seek?”

  “Of course, I watched you play from the basement.”

  “What?” Becky asked alarmed. “Monsters live in a basement.”

  “Shut up Becky.” Cory yelled. He turned to Jared and smiled. “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Well we will start with you being it since you are new to our group. We will hide. Give us until the count of ten before you come looking.”

  Jared eagerly nodded his head and quickly covered his eyes with his hands. He began to count as he heard the children scatter.

  “Three, two, one; ready or not here I come!” He yelled. He quickly darted around a corner but saw nobody. He listened. He didn’t hear anyone moving, nor talking. This was going to be difficult. He continued on and jumped out around another mountain of stone; nothing. “You guys are good.”

  He continued down the rows and searched. Finally he heard a hush whisper. He turned his head and zoned in. It was coming behind one of the piles. He slowly and quietly made his way around the bend and was shocked to find all six of them.

  “Wow, this wasn’t a very smart move. I found you all.” He laughed. “You don’t have to go easy on me because it’s my first time you kno

  “Shut up monster!” Cory yelled. Jared looked at him confused.

  “What’s going on?”

  “We know what you are. You live in a basement and watch us. You plan on killing us and eating our skin.” All the kids stared at Jared. They didn’t look happy. These were not the faces he fell in love with.

  “No, seriously I am a boy.” He pleaded. “I’m not a monster. I promise.”

  “No boy I ever seen looks like a freak!” Rachel yelled. The others agreed as they began to hurl obscenities.

  “Cory, Bobby; please believe me.” Jared dropped to his knees as he begged.

  “Dude, you didn’t even have a damn name.” Bobby responded. “You are totally a monster.”

  “And your terror ends here monster.” The kids all bent down and each one picked up a big rock. Cory looked at his rock as a sadistic smile crossed his face. “I wonder if your blood will be green or black.”

  “Please, don’t do this. I am a kid, a boy. I’m not a monster.” Jared sobbed. His tears ran down his cheek as he fell to his knees. He shook his head in disbelief. “Please. Don’t do this…”

  A rock struck him on the face. His nose exploded in blood as the pain ripped through him. Cory stepped forward and looked down at the crying child. He laughed hysterically.

  “This monster bleeds red.” He pointed.

  “Maybe he isn’t a monster.” Becky called out. “What if we’re wrong?”

  “I’m not a monster. Ask Rodney.” He yelled as he cupped his nose, trying to stop the blood.

  “Who’s Rodney?” Cory asked.

  “My friend, he’s a rat in my house. I’ll bring you to him.”

  “It’s a trick. He wants us to go to his house so he can throw us in an oven. Die monster!” Bobby hollered as he threw his rock. It hit Jared in his arm and he hollered out in agony.

  “Please…don’t do this.”

  Each child raised their rock in their hands as they circled the child. They watched as the monster pleaded for his life. They imagined all the people he must have killed over the years. They wondered if the kids who they heard went missing wound up in his basement, their bones littering the stone floor. They knew they couldn’t let this monster live.

  They began throwing the ammunition with all their might. Jared wept and shrieked as each rock struck. The kids continued to hurl the stones until he was still. Cory raised his hand to stop the assault and listened. He heard no more cries, no more begging; he knew the thing from the basement was dead. He turned to his friends and grinned.

  “He’s dead. Let’s go back to my place and play pirates now.”

  The Nebraska Moloch

  The atmosphere was drab. It seemed almost as if it had been plucked from an exceptional part of hell. The world seemed to be at the pinnacle of misery and depression as the dreariness fell down in sheets; the gloom swallowed up by the earth. The rain had slowed down but the clouds which starved the corn fields of sunlight were so thick that another round of storms was surely underway. The rain did nothing to wash away the stink of cow shit. It had been like this for the last few days, and because of this the residents of Clatonia were sinking into a deep hole of melancholy.

  She pulled her old Bel-Air slowly up the dirt road toward her decrepit house. The home was a filthy color, a white which has been covered in filth so dense that no rain could wash it clean. It sat in the midst of a lifeless corn field. She slid the gear shift into park but left the engine running. She knew she had to go home, but didn’t want to. Margret strained her eyes and could see her two sisters; Kendra and Gretchen. They were in the old barn with shovels digging into the soggy earth. Margret let out a long winded sigh; she knew what they were doing.

  “Another for the Potter’s Field.” And as she spoke to no one but herself, a thought had crossed her mind.

  But do they know what I’ve been doing?

  She feared this but knew that her two sisters had no idea. If they had even got a whiff of where Margret went every day, they would tell Papa immediately. Margret would watch her boyfriend join those who were planted in the dirt along with the three dozen others Papa carved up. Boyfriends were forbidden in this house, their bodies and beauty were intended for Papa only. He had told them this, only his seed was allowed to enter their bodies.

  It’s god’s law, not mine girl. Do you dare defy the lord?

  She believed Papa at one time. Her faith in her father died when her first child met its end at the hands of the evil man. She was only fourteen at the time and although she tried not to get too attached to the little fetus in her belly, she couldn’t help it. It was maternal instinct to love your own child. Gretchen, god she had five kids with papa. Kendra had three. She knew what happened after each birth and for this reason she didn’t want to get attached to the little baby in her.

  But you did didn’t you?

  She did. She imagined taking off in the middle of the night and stealing her Papa’s 1956 Skylark. She would slam her foot down on the pedal and the engine would roar. She would tear down the interstate toward…well did it matter? Anywhere is better than hell. Perhaps she would go visit family in Idaho, family from Mama’s side of the family. They were normal people; they didn’t know the dark torment that went on in the house. She could go there and hide, tell them everything. She could have her baby and live out the rest of her life.

  She didn’t go. She gave birth and Papa was particularly cruel to the newborn. She could only guess that he sensed her attachment. He used garden shears to cut off each limb. He them used a hack saw to remove the screaming babies head. Margret was naked, on her knees crying. This pissed Papa off. He told her she was ruining her passage into adulthood. He grabbed her and tossed her over the rotten wooden counter in the basement.

  “You must pay for ruining this. How dare you defy the lord!” He unzipped his filthy jeans and reached his grimy hand over to her vagina. He scooped up some of the blood left over from the birth and she could hear him rubbing it on his penis. That night he gave her the worst punishment he’d ever given to any of the women in the house, he sodomized her. This made her unclean until her eighteenth birthday Papa explained. To die before then would reserve a place in hell. “You defied the lord; I treat you like a Sodomite. This is for your own good girl.”

  That was four years ago. She had met her boyfriend Teddy a year after that. He worked in town at a local general store. One evening, while she was in there buying a Coke, he asked her out. She was modest, skittish but he saw something in her. She agreed and they went to Briars Creek and drank beer. He was eccentric, beautiful and told her all about the Hippie movement. He sensed her sadness and he said in that cool tone “Listen girl, it’s 1966 and your daddy is stuck in the forties. You need to feel love.”

  Of course Teddy didn’t understand the extent of what happened at that old house in the corn field. If he did who knows what would happen. Teddy wasn’t an idiot; he’d suspected that there was sexual abuse. Most of the daddies this far from the normal world diddled their daughters once in a while, some even played with sons. This was nothing new out here so Teddy had patience with her. When she finally gave him her body in the bed of his pick-up she’d felt something she never felt before, joy. She felt love. She felt hope.

  As she sat in that car she saw Papa’s old Skylark coming up a side street. He didn’t see her; he was driving with tunnel vision. He slowly headed down the driveway toward the house. She once saw Papa as the light of Jesus Christ brought to Earth, now she saw him as a boil upon this planet that needed to be excised.

  As Papa pulled up her brainwashed sisters dropped their shovels and ditched the body they were burying. Like excited children on Christmas morning they skipped toward the house. Papa jumped from the car and ran to the trunk. It popped open and he reached in pulling out what appeared to be a burlap sack. His sisters were singing, that old Christian song that Papa made up. Papa claimed everything was for two things, the family and Jesus. If Jesus really wanted this, Margr
et wanted to take her chances with hell.

  The three enthusiastically helped pull the sack into the house and closed the door. Margret knew it was time to go home. Papa and her siblings would be so thrilled that they’d overlook the fact that she had been gone all day.


  “What’s in the sack old man?” Sheriff Johnson whispered to himself as he watched Ken Baker bring the burlap sack into his house. His two oldest daughters pranced around their dad, singing and acting like a fool. The Sheriff continued to look through his binoculars.

  He spit a wad of tobacco juice into a cup as he watched the youngest, Margret, drive up to the house. Once parked she stepped out of the vehicle and paused for a second, noticing that her father didn’t even bother to close the rear trunk. She shook her head and made her way inside.

  “You son of a bitches think you can bring Marijuana into my county and get away with it. You don’t know I’ve been watching your daughter with that pot head Teddy. The lord doesn’t approve of drugs Ken. Your entire drug dealing clan is going down.”

  The vigilante cop stroked the barrel of his shotgun and smiled as he watched the youngest girl enter the house. Would it be tonight? Is tonight the night he would bust the family; if the lord wills it.


  “Good day, my sweet Margret.” Mama turned to her daughter with her insane cheerfulness as she prepared to bake a cake. She was always cooking, never taking a moment to rest. The idle housewife will find reason to join the devil in hell. That’s what she use to say after Jenny Hanson was caught sleeping with that trucker from Wyoming. Danny Hanson didn’t take to kind to it all; he cut both their heads off and walked right into the Sheriff’s department. He tossed the bloody messes onto the desk and said “Book me.” Since them Mama decided to spend every waking minute working, to prevent herself from being persuaded by the pleasures of the flesh.

  The kitchen was immaculate as always. Papa said that a house should be as clean as the Lord willed it. Mama had working limbs and energy. There was no excuse for filth or clutter inside this house. Although everything was sterile, every piece of furniture wrapped in plastic, the house had ugly secrets.