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Page 16

  “What the fuck was that for?”

  “Stop jacking your dick; don’t do that shit around us.”

  “It’s a disorder, I can’t control it. It stems from sexual abuse.”

  “Does that explain why you’re so fucked up?”

  “Not at all, I kill because it’s fun.” Chad burst out laughing and Tanner followed. He had to admit, although these two were far different breeds than himself, he was enjoying their company. He even was looking forward to the kill.


  “No mom, I’m not going to do it?” Debbie spoke into the phone. She was still naked and now lying down on her bed. The television played softly in the background as she stretched out. She looked at the scars on her legs, and thought of the ones on her back, the ones from when those animals whipped her. It didn’t bother her anymore, beauty marks. “I’m not going to sell my story to some shit bag journalist so he can exploit it.”

  “Honey, see reason. You went through hell, a hell no one can imagine. Don’t you think others can learn from it?”

  “How does one learn from a story of some slimy towel head jamming a glass coke bottle up your anus and shouting How’s that Cola taste now infidel slut?.” Debbie swore she heard her mother shutter over the phone. She heard her voice cracking as the sound of pill bottles opened. She knew the routine. Her mother had taken anti-depressants and anxiety meds since she went missing. The way she acted, you’d think she was kidnapped.

  “I’m…I’m so sorry honey. I cannot imagine…”

  “You’re right you can’t so don’t even try. Just forget this conversation completely.”

  “Are you doing ok?”

  “I’m fine-“

  There was a knock at the front door. She shot up in bed. She wasn’t expecting anyone. It couldn’t be George again, the music was off.

  “Mrs. Lingle, this is Tom with Maintenance.” The voice seemed friendly enough but she was suspicious of everyone.


  “My name is Tom, I’m here to spray your apartment for bugs.”

  “Can you come back?” She sounded a little irritated.

  “Who’s there honey?” Her mom asked, concerned for her daughter as she pictured the Coke bottle sodomy.

  “It’s the bug man.” She replied.

  “I can’t I’ll be on another floor tomorrow.” She hesitated and sighed.

  “Ok, give me a second.” She got up from the bed and threw on a pair of yoga pants and fumbled with a tight shirt with an image of Buddah on the front. “Mom, I got to let you go.”

  “I love you sweetie.”

  “I love you to.”

  Chapter Three

  “So what will it be sweethearts?” Gretchen, a bubbly teen asked. She stood there with her pen in her lips and trying desperately to make her cleavage distract customers from the baby bump beneath her apron.

  “I’ll have a coffee and two waffles.” Tanner answered. Gretchen couldn’t help but stare at him. He was like a movie star, handsome. She imagined being swept into his arms and carried to a bed where he would lie her down and please her like a woman was meant to be pleased.

  Tanner, being the predator he was, naturally sensed this. He would lie if he didn’t admit that the thought of strangling a pregnant teen didn’t appeal to him, but he had to stick with the plan. Besides, he couldn’t be leaving strangled well dressed women this far outside of California. If they were to see this it will open up more doors which may lead to him being caught.

  “No problem sweet heart, and for you sir?” She turned to Pat who had creeped her out. He looked older than he was, sickly almost. He hid behind his long hair and refused to even make eye contact.

  “Coffee, black; that is all.” He mumbled, staring at his black painted finger nails. Tanner shook his head at this display.

  “And I’ll have a ham and egg biscuit with a glass of orange juice if you will miss.” Chad chimed in; trying to pull her attention away from the basket case Pat was proving to be.

  “Ok then, I’ll be right back.” Tanner smiled at her. She smiled flirtatiously back. He imagined wrapping his hands around her neck and squeezing the last of her breath out. He would finish it with a quick snap and then it would be done; another well-dressed corpse to add to his collection.

  She could have the life she dreamed of, but only in death.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you today?” Chad shot at Pat who turned up at him and smiled. Chad shook his head as he saw the glassy look in his eyes. This pissed Chad off immensely as he pushed his silverware away from him. “Jesus Christ, that dumb son of a bitch is fucking high.”

  “It’s wearing off. I didn’t know we would meet up so early.” He confessed, continuing his desperate fight to distinguish between reality and fiction.

  “What are you on?” Tannner asked, a little concerned.

  “Ecstasy. I’m coming down so don’t worry.”

  “This is just fucking great.” Chad looked at him with aggression in his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to beat this little pansy’s head off the table. “Don’t you do it again.”

  “I was nervous; you need to understand that I am not a very social person.”

  “As if that much isn’t obvious; for now on you stay clean during this.” Chad demanded, almost like a father figure. This seemed to be insulting to the young Pat who looked up defensively.

  “Excuse me; explain to me why I need to listen to you?”

  “Because if you do it again we both will gut you alive.” Tanner joined in. He himself was known to take a pre-work out drink before a kill, just to give him the little kick, but to use drugs during something of this magnitude was just irresponsible. He agreed with Chad, and wanted nothing to do with it.

  “Fine, fuck I’ll stop.”

  “Good.” Tanner turned to Chad. “So how did the bug spraying stunt work?”

  “Pretty amazing actually. I’ve got some pictures while she was in her room trying to ignore me. We’ll go over them together. Now we discuss the plan.”

  “Tell us wondrous leader, what’s the fucking plan.” Pat asked sarcastically.

  “Tanner is going to seduce the girl and win her heart with his good looks and from the knowledge we acquired from the pictures I took last night.”

  “Fucking genius with the pictures, real good plan. The only real question I think is when are we starting today?”

  “Right after breakfast.”


  “Hello can I help you?” Debbie asked. She stood at the cash register as the man rambled off his order. All morning she had been distracted by the handsome man at one of the tables. He kept looking at her between his reading of the newspaper. She thought it was all in her head at first but when George noticed it to there was no denying it.

  “Go talk to him.” George said with a playful push. She was hesitant as always. Ever since she had returned from Afghanistan her track record for men sucked and she had decided that she was doomed to be disappointed, to be alone forever “If you don’t I will and trust me sweetie, I’ve turned men gay who were far straighter than this hot little number.”

  “Listen to you. How do you know-“ and George cut her off as he shushed her with his index finger pressed against his lip.

  “Here he comes.”

  “Hello.” The man spoke. Debbie turned to him with her face lit up. She was lost in his statuesque features, his chiseled face and gym toned body.

  “Hello can I help you?”

  “My name’s Tanner. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind joining me at my table. I’d like to talk to you.”

  “I wish I could but my shift doesn’t end for a few hours.” From earshot George heard this and rushed over, nearly dropping the Ice Caramel Macchiato all over the floor.

  “Sweetie she would be delighted. She was just about to take her break.” With forceful eyes Geroge shoved her on. She knew that if she didn’t then George wouldn’t never let her live this down.

  If nothing else what
harm is a good fuck?

  “Ok.” She turned and leaned down to the register as she typed in her ID number on the time clock. “You got half an hour.”

  Chapter Four

  Her half hour break wasn’t enough to get to know the man, but enough for him to ask her out on a date. Debbie looked through her wardrobe as her mind went wild with possibilities. She held dresses against her naked body as she repeated his name. “Tanner.”

  She told her mother who was ecstatic to say the least; she was already planning a wedding. Her mother had blamed herself for Debbie’s torture at the hands of Afghani terrorists. If she just supported the marriage and helped pay for it Debbie wouldn’t have joined the army to pay for the wedding with her sign on bonus money.

  Of course Debbie could hear them still; the conversation in Arabic as they beat her and raped her. They were always there. Out the corner of her eye every shadow was one of them. She saw their bearded faces and wild eyes as they brandished more utensils to inflict agony upon her body.

  She shut that out of her head. She vowed to have a good time tonight. As she held the perfect dress up to her body she smiled and nodded. “Tonight you’re going to get yourself laid.”


  Their date had begun with a trip to the movies and then went to enjoy dinner at “La Senorita”. While eating steaks and nacho chips the two began to discuss Tanner’s job.

  “I work at a corpse farm.” He said in a matter of fact tone. The combination of words obviously stopped Debbie in her tracks as she let out a low, nervous laughter.

  “A corpse farm?” She squinted as if somehow this would help her to understand what he ment.

  “Yeah, it’s a place where forensic teams study the decay of bodies.” He noticed her look of disgust but also noticed her curiosity was caught. She paused for a second as if processing the information. He saw her record collection in those pictures. She loved punk and Death Metal. She certainly had a morbid side, perhaps was a goth girl in high school even.

  “How do you get bodies?”

  “People donate them.”

  “You’re kidding me.”

  “Nope; you’d be surprised how many we get. They all want to help after death, altruists even post mortem. We study the process. Some we put in direct sunlight, others we submerge in water, others we bury a foot deep while others we experiment with known disposal techniques killers often use.”

  “It’s hard to believe such a place exists.”

  “I can take you there.” His smile seemed off, artificial. She began to hear the men arguing in Arabic again. They pulled out their dicks and urinated on her head. They ran garden shears over her tits and jammed a toilet plunger into her ass. She began to feel sick and when she looked up at Tanner she saw him with a long beard. He was speaking Arabic.

  Debbie, this isn’t true. Not every guy you meet is trying to kill you. This one actually likes you.

  “Yeah, I’d like to see it.” She forced out of her mouth. She wasn’t sure if she meant it or if she was just being nice. Regardless she knew they would be heading over there before the night was through.

  “Fantastic. We’ll go after we finish our meal.”


  The drive up was long. The whole time Tanner filled the car with friendly chatter but still Debbie heard the men who tortured her in the back of her mind. They called her names. Dumb cunt, you’re heading into a trap. She knew she was paranoid but as the car drove through the night and into a desolate dirt road she did begin to feel the tension grow.

  You need to start trusting people.

  “So tell me about your time in the service.”

  Service? She never told him about being in the military. There it was; the red flag! This wasn’t what it appeared to be. This man had studied her and now here she was in the middle of the woods with him all alone.

  Ok, so you might be right. He may be a creep after all. You need to keep the conversation going so he doesn’t suspect that you are on to him.

  “Nothing too major; I did a tour in Afghanistan. I don’t talk about it often.”

  “I can’t imagine the horrors you must have been subjected to.” As he spoke Debbie pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and glanced. No signal. “What are you doing there?”

  “I was going to check my email.” She put on a fake pouty face as she held the phone up to him. “No signal.”

  That’s right, you’re doing well.

  “I hate it when there’s no signal. There never is out this way.”

  Think. Think.

  She turned her eyes to the door and examined the lock. It was engaged. She would need to be fast to pull the mechanism up, open the door and dive out before he could react. She needed to go now! She pulls the plastic piece. The locking mechanism wouldn’t budge.

  “Child safety locks silly.” His smile was sinister as he nodded his head. “Nifty little invention.”

  “You have kids?” She asked as her breathing got shallow. Her panic was not obvious.

  “No, in fact I do not.”

  “Then why are these locks engaged.”

  “You’re a smart girl. I see you figured it all out so let’s cut the-“ Debbie slammed her purse in his face. He jerked to the left and pulled the car into that direction. The Mercedes hit a tree and came to a stop. Debbie quickly reached into her purse and pulled out her little compact 9mm pistol. She kept it close to her body so not to have it taken from her but kept it on Tanner the entire time. “You stupid fucking bitch!”

  “Shut the fuck up! What did you think you were going to do with me? Rape me?”

  “That isn’t my style.” Tanner reached up and touched his nose. He frowned. “Bitch you broke it.”

  “So then what?”

  “What’s with all this past tense? I was and still am going to kill you.”

  “Looks like you’re at my mercy now.”

  “Think again.” He pointed to the window. She turned to see two other men holding AR-15 assault rifles pointed in her direction. Tanner smiled at her.

  “We’re ready to play now.”


  She had been out for quite a while. The man with the long hair had administered a drug. It took effect immediately and she was gone. Her eyes were still closed but she heard what sounded like millions of pigs being slaughtered. The squeals were terrifying. When she opened her eyes she was happy to see speakers in place of actual slaughtered pig.

  To her surprise she wasn’t restrained. She stood up quickly and assessed herself. She was fine. The room was small and covered with strange paintings on the walls. Some were depicting women being sodomized by wolves; others had children disemboweling their own parents. The strobe light certainly wasn’t helping her pounding headache. She searched around until she found the exit.

  Outside the rain poured and once she cleared the door she slid down a muddy hill. She fell several feet until she did a face plant into something squishy. Raising her head she was horrified to see that her face caved in the rotting remains of a cadaver’s abdomen. The blackened organs and maggots spilled out.

  Debbie screamed in horror as she desperately clawed at the wet soil. She dragged herself up the hill. She was greeted by several more corpses in various starts of decomposition. They were tied to trees and hung from branches.

  “Welcome to the corpse farm. You didn’t think it was just a clever name now did you?” The voice spoke over a P.A. system. Debbie turned her head as she stood at the top of the embankment. The rain was coming down in sheets and the moon cast eerie shadows.

  “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT WITH ME?” She hollered in every direction. There was laughter on the P.A.

  “I want you to run! Run along little rabbit! Run!” The memories of Afghanistan returned to her. She remembered how they treated her and now it was about to happen all over again. She looked around for a weapon. There she saw a massive branch. She reached down and as she picked it up an arrow shot into her left arm. She screamed out in agony. “I said ru

  So she ran blindly, deep into the corpse farm.


  Chad watched his prey. She looked so goddamn beautiful as she quickly recovered from the scares Pat had set up. He knew she was stronger than that, too strong to be taken in by some psycho mumble jumble. Sure he thought Pat could be a little eccentric but the fact remained that the mental torment added to the thrill he supposed. For Chad though, it was all about the hunt.

  She turned around corners with elegance, just to collapse as she hit a slick patch of mud. Chad raised the bow, pulled the arrow back and aimed. He followed her and as he took in a breath. He held it and let go as the arrow was sent whizzing through the air.


  She felt the arrow tear through her leg. She screamed in agony and tried to ignore it, but it was excruciating. She collapsed onto the dirt as she rolled over onto her back. Now, staring up at the moon, she saw those Arab men all around her kicking her and yelling at her in a foreign language. They would soon rape her.

  Debbie snap out of it, you’re not in Afghanistan you are here in America and these guys brought you here for one thing.

  The voice was right. She needed to pull herself together if she wanted to get out of this. She got out of that POW camp all those years ago, had she not? Surely she could handle a couple hillbillies with a bloodlust. She just needed to get her head on straight.

  From the woods came a metallic object. It pierced just below her shoulder and ripped out her back. It was a massive hook and before she could further examine it she was being pulled through the woods.

  Get your head together, this night is about to get a lot worse.

  Chapter Five

  “So tell me about yourself.” The skinny man with the longish hair smiled at her. The room was small and the lighting was low. It was completely bare with the exception of her, him, the chair she was on and a table with an assortment of sharp and blunt objects. Their original design and intent was less sinister however it was this special mind that perverted them, using them to remove flesh from the human body.

  “Fuck you.” She managed to get out, barely able to function. The throbbing in her arm and leg from the arrow were bad, but the hole from the meat hook was a whole other problem. It was so excruciating that she felt faint and knew that at any given moment she could pass out.