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Page 14

  Her breasts were large and had the same flawless complexion as he face. Her thin, well-toned athletic body continued on until the hips. Here in her pelvic region was her trimmed vagina which throbbed with moisture. Behind hung a segmented tail the color of her flesh. Her legs were similar to that of a goat with a thin layer of white fur. The meaty thighs carried on to the hock. Below this was a bony shin that ended in a hoof.

  She was flawless.

  She leaned in and let a forked tongue run along his earlobe. Her hands ran up his naked body and across his pectoral muscles and over his shoulders. She draped her arms around his neck as she pulled her face in close to his. She whispered in his ear. “You bring me a life and I redefine what you call pleasure.”

  Suddenly Scott was lying down as Oza jumped up on top of him.


  After what seemed like days Scott was back in the basement. The demon was gone. On the bed was the skeleton of Brenda and across the room, by the altar, was the skeleton of Kappy. Scott walked over to him and smiled.

  “Well old friend, you were right. You made a believer out of me.” Scott leaned down and took the red book from Kappy’s skeletal hand. He looked down at his watch. It was 6:01. He had only been gone for one minute.

  He got dressed and made his way back to his car. As he pulled onto the main street he felt a new confidence he never felt before. It was a happiness that he thought was impossible to achieve. He found a new addiction. Now he was off to satisfy his craving.

  He needed another woman.


  “Listen man, I’m not calling you a loser, seriously.” Ted was eating a beef bean burrito as he sat at a stainless steel table. He took a bite and chewed it slowly, tossing out all manners and talking regardless. “I mean it’s pretty pathetic that you haven’t had a chick in over a year, but that isn’t me calling you a loser.”

  Steve was draining a corpse on an embalming table. He watched as the machine kicked on and began removing the blood from the body. Her name was Mary Lynn and Steve knew her. She was a beauty in her time. When Steve went to Dorchester High School he dreamed of fucking her. That was nearly twelve years ago and now she was dead from a heroin overdose. Welcome to Boston, home of the lethally pure heroin.

  All over the city people were dying from this shit. It wasn’t anything to be alarmed about, so the Boston PD wanted us to think, but the hoods from Roxbury certainly didn’t seem to have much care for their clientele.

  “You are calling me a loser. It’s not like I haven’t tried.” Steve lied. He knew he didn’t try. He considered himself to career oriented.

  “Bullshit. I tried to hook you up recently.” Ted shouted back at him. “She wanted to fuck like something wicked.”

  “Sarah; are you fucking serious. She’s a goddamn whale man.”

  “Fat girls put out.” Ted said as he wiped the burrito mess off his face with his hand. He was disgusting.

  “No, I need a woman like good old Mary Lynn here.”

  “Dude, you sound sick right now.” Ted shot a horrified look at him.

  “I don’t me dead you fucking moron. I’m talking about equal in beauty. You remember?”

  “Of course man, I fucked her in like tenth grade.”

  “Now that’s bullshit.”

  “Whatever man, the thing is you are putting the pussy on a pedestal. You have it to high with standards that don’t match a man like you.”

  “Fuck you man, I’m not some hideous ghoul.”

  “I didn’t say you were, I am sayiny, however, she is way out of your league.”

  “Back then?” Steve asked as he adjusted the tubes.

  “Back then and now. Her corpse is even too beautiful for you man. Don’t you realize, you need to pump a nut in a few nasty bitches to boost your confidence? After a few months of mediocre you’ll be drowning in drop dead gorgeous pussy man. “

  “Why the fuck do I talk to you?”

  “Because you’re a creepy mortician and no one likes talking to morticians.” As much as Steve hated to admit it, Ted was right. Since he joined this profession he lost friends every day. Ted was the only one that stuck around. He was a medical examiner. Now women find that interesting. They think they are some CSI dork with cool stories…when Steve was just a mortician and everyone thinks all morticians are necrophiliac.

  “Well listen man; I’ll be at The Tam tonight.”

  “Why the fuck you like that place so much, it’s a dive bar.”

  “Yeah,and? The women in their got shattered egos which makes it easy hunting. Even a loser like you can find some ass.” Ted got up and made his way to the door. Steve was relived.

  “You said I wasn’t a loser.”

  “I was lying, now get done with that corpse and meet me for drinks. Tonight we’re going to get you laid.”

  The door slammed behind him and Steve shook his head

  “Mary Lynn;Not even dead he said.” Steve leaned over her and touched Mary Lynn on the arm. She was cool to the touch but still not as cold as she could be. No, this wouldn’t set in yet. She hadn’t died too long ago. “I wonder.”

  Steve took his right hand and pulled off his glove. He looked around to ensure no one was watching and placed his hand over her right breast. He cupped it and closed his eyes imaging her alive. They would be in a back of a car somewhere and she would have her shirt up. She wanted him and he wanted her. The thought got him aroused and although it disturbed him he was overcome with the fact that he was actually holding the tit he dreamed of for over a decade.

  “To kiss those lips.” He smiled at himself as he opened his eyes and leaned down. He was an inch from her lips and smiled at her. “Tell me you want me.”

  Of course she didn’t reply but in Steve’s lonely mind he made her reply;her voice as beautiful and elegant as he remembered it.

  “I want you Steven. I always had a crush on you. Kiss me.” He leaned down and placed his lips on her dead mouth. He slid his tongue inside, not surprised that it was a little dry. He ran his right hand down her waste, past her public line and slid his index finger deep inside her pussy. It was still wet enough.

  He imagined her moaning. He imagined her gasping. He used his free hand to take her left arm and slid it down the front of his pants.

  “What a nice, thick dick.” She responded in his mind.

  “I know.”

  “I want you to fuck me Steven.”

  He wasted no time. He tore his shirt off and pulled down his pants. Within seconds he was on top of the embalming table, naked and staring into her dead eyes. She wasn’t dead though, not to him. He imagined her lively and moving, talking and wrapping her legs around him. He slowly slid deep inside her.

  Good thing she was dead, because it only lasted four seconds. But in Steve’s mind they had been going at it for hours. He collapsed onto her and kissed her neck. “I love you Mary Lynn.”

  “I love you to.”

  “What the fuck?” The voice shouted from across the room. He turned to see the frail seventy year old janitor, Patrick. He had a disgusted face as he watched the man he worked with violating a cadaver.

  “Patrick, it’s not.”

  “You’re going to jail you sick son of a bitch!” He yelled as dug into his jacket for his cell phone. In panic Steve reached for the closest object and threw it at him, hoping to knock him to the ground and prevent him from making that phone call. He hit, but unfortunately what he threw was a large bone saw. It landed right in the middle of Patrick’s head, between his eyes. He dropped to the floor dead.

  “Holy fuck!” Steve yelled as he jumped off Mary Lynn. He quickly got dressed and began pacing the room. He just killed a man. He didn’t want to go to prison, no he heard about what they do to men who were weak in prison and Steve was as soft as baby shit. He needed to think.

  Hide him.

  He could hide him for tonight. He could toss him inside one of the meat freezers and sleep on a plan tonight. That was the only idea he could think
of. It had to work. He dragged the corpse of Patrick to the freezer, slammed the door shut and locked it. He put a tag on it that said Do not use, out of service.

  Steve then cleaned up the blood and returned Mary Lynn back to the freezer. Before he did he kissed her lips one last time. “I love you.”


  “Bro, you are such a faggot. You flaked on me again and there was mad slampigs there. Little Irish sluts all ready with their tramp stamps showing. Fuck man, its ten degrees outside and these sluts wore skirts. You know they wanted to fuck.”

  Steve couldn’t listen to his shit today. Last night he didn’t sleep at all. He stayed up and wondered what he could do with the corpse. He was clueless. He had no idea at all and now he had to listen to Ted’s macho bullshit.

  “I’m sorry, I had the shits.”

  “Bullshit, your pussy was sore and you were scared as always.”

  “No man I’m serious, I don’t feel like myself.” And it was true. Since he had sex with Mary Lynn he felt strange. He didn’t know what to do. Who the fuck was he now? Was he really some sick pervert? Was he the pervert everyone already assumed he was?

  “Whatever man, you done with that broad from last night.”

  “Her name is Mary Lynn.” Ted sensed he hit a nerve.

  “Jesus man, sorry.” Ted trotted over to Steve. “Tell me the truth, you fucked her last night. Is that why you didn’t come to meet me?”

  “Get the fuck out of here.”

  “Why not, I would.”

  “You would?” Steve asked, curious if he wasn’t the only one.

  “Fuck no you sicko. What am I some depraved pervert. Sorry I like my pussy alive and well.” Ted looked at his watch. “Well let’s get her done we need to have her ready in a couple hours.”

  Steve opened the stainless steel door to her meat freezer and pulled it out. Both men gasped in horror. The body was still there however her stomach was round and big…like she was-

  “Holy fuck she looks pregnant.”

  “That’s ridiculous” suddenly Steve wondered about not wearing a condom. “Must be gas trapped inside of her abdomen.”

  “Well we need to deflate this bitch. She is being fitted for a funeral.”

  They rolled her out and Steve grabbed a scalpel. He positioned it above her. He knew this was strange but he felt bad putting the knife to her belly. He didn’t want to-

  “Holy fuck something moved in there!” Ted shouted. He wasn’t lying, Steve saw it to. It looked like a snake or something was trapped inside. They stared at it, hoping it was their imagination but then it happened again.

  What the fuck is going on?

  There was a thrashing from one of the meat freezers. It was loud and deafening as it echoed throughout the morgue. It sounded like someone was kicking the door from the inside, the one marked out of service. The one Steve hid the corpse in.

  “What the fuck is in there?” Ted shouted as he turned toward it.

  He wasn’t dead? I’m so fucked!

  Ted approached the door and reached out for the latch.

  “Ted, don’t open that please.” The door continued to be kick and was almost busting off the hinges. From inside was a growl, almost like a dog. Ted reached out and pulled the latch open.

  Patrick dove out on top of Ted. He still had the bone saw embedded in his head. He was clearly alive but not the same person he was the day before. Patrick wrapped his hands around Ted’s throat. Patrick opened his mouth and bit down. When he came up half of Ted’s throat was handing from the old man’s mouth.

  Ted screamed in agony as Patrick jumped up. He was far too strong to be the seventy year old feeble man. It was almost as if he was possessed. Patrick let out an ungodly demonic scream and rushed toward Steve. All Steve could do was close his eyes and wait for his death.

  But there was no death. There was no impact. Before Patrick could reach him something had pounced on top of him. Steve opened his eyes and watched as the small creature excavated the old man’s innards. Long strands of intestine and bloated organs covered the floor as this small demonic creature feverishly tore open the man.

  Steve needed a weapon and fast.

  He turned back to Mary Lynn and reached for the knife he was going to use to deflate her. It was only a stupid fucking scalpel but it was better than nothing. As he reached for it he saw that Mary Lynn’s bump on her belly was now a torn open hole full of blood and viscera. The creature, it came from her. Quickly he turned to defend himself from the thing.

  There it stood staring at him. It was no taller than a toddler. Its skin was the color of black stone and its eyes were deep red. Upon its hairless head grew two horns. Its feet were hooves and attached to his wrists were dreadful looking claws. It stood there breathing for a second and looking curiously up at Steve.

  “Daddy.” It spoke to him in a child’s voice. Steve collapsed to the ground and watched the ugly little demon as it approached him with its arms out. It embraced him and laid its horned head onto Steve’s chest. Then he felt a hand drop down on his shoulder, a soft hand.

  He turned and saw it was Mary Lynn. She was now standing next to him, the blood and guts still leaking from her abdomen. She smiled at him, her eyes also glowing red.

  “I love you Steve.” She said in that voice he remembered so well. She knelt down and wrapped her arms around Steve and their new child. She kissed Steve’s forehead. “We’re going to be a happy family.”

  Steve cried however his tears were not out of sadness, not out of fear. His tears were that of joy. He turned to his new wife and kissed her lips. Then he kissed his new baby on the forehead.

  And they lived happily ever after…

  Corpse Farm

  Chapter One

  The rain had fallen for three days. It ripped through the state in sheets and had been responsible for a few flash floods in the area. Mr. Bilkton, if he was still alive would say that he had only once before seen the Teller’s Creek so high. He would tell a drawn out tale of fighting Nazis and returning home to see this creek pouring water into the street. Being a religious man, Mr. Bilkton would try to present this as evidence of the coming apocalypse.

  The bar was usually packed during this time of the summer, and even more so when it rained. The people of Estill Springs had very little to do when it involved the nightlife, since the town was so small. The natural hang out for these country boys and girls seemed almost like a throwback to the old western days of saloons. It sat on the outskirts of town with that big neon light that always seemed to have a letter out. The blue letters shined through the rain as it read The Snake Pit.

  The parking lot was a mud hell which was full of pickup trucks. Among all the Tennessee license plates, one car turned and pulled into the lot. His tag wasn’t from Tennessee, but California. It was attached to a Mercedes Benz. Those beneath the front canopy, sucking in the smoke from Marlboros, naturally stared at the German engineered automobile.

  Some gawked; others laughed. “Looks like another liberal fag got lost.” One stated as he spit a wad of dip into an empty Budweiser bottle. “Maybe he’s just turning around, needs to reverse his direction and pulled in here to turn.” Another suggested, but this theory quickly died when the engine ceased. The door opened and when they saw Tanner step out, they nearly died with laughter.

  His suit must have cost more than every person at the bar’s entire wardrobe combined that night. They all would call the color gray, except for Terrance. He was a secret homosexual and loved fashion. He would call it a three piece charcoal suit which looked like a design by Alexander Price. Of course he couldn’t allow the rest to see how astonished he was so see such a lovely suit so he joined in by calling the man a fag. As he clicked his fancy little alarm and made his way toward the front door he stopped for a second to frown at his muddy Italian shoes.

  “Aw, such a shame to mess them der nice shoes up.” One teased. His girlfriend, obviously impressed with the car, hit him on the chest.

  “Nice r
ide you go there.” One of the toothless wonders snickered. Tanner smiled at him.

  “Yes it is. Thank you very much.”

  “Would be a damn shame if a scratch were to happen upon it.” The toothless wonder continued as he stood up from the barrel he leaned on. He smiled as he shook his head. “Be a damn shame. You see all these here pickup; well they all got dings and shit because us country boys like to get twisted before we hit the road and we tear shit up once in a while. Be a damn shame if someone accidently hit that nice set of wheels there, I reckon.”

  “Since I could buy every one of you a trailer with the money I paid for it, I’m sure it would hit a nerve.” A couple chuckles emerged from the crowd. The toothless wonder looked aggravated by this.

  Terrance watched the man. His face showed hatred but the truth was that he was lost in admiration. Years of sucking off the few farm boys who knew he was gay made him forget what existed outside of small town America. He wanted to move to California.

  “Well why then are you parking it here?”

  “That’s my business.”

  “I reckon you mean another tone city boy.”

  The man climbed the short steps under the canopy. He approached the man and stood a mere six inches from his face. The toothless wonder continued his ridiculous attempt at a smile.

  “Listen, I’m here for my own reasons that do not concern you.”

  “Just let this be clear; this is our place. The only men here like pussy, not cock.”

  “Well than we got something in common after all.”

  “Well that may be so, as it seems, but our ladies in Estill Springs are for the men in Estill Springs. Do you understand?”

  “I do, I doubt I’ll find one worth my time anyway.” He looked around. “Wouldn’t want them to get pig shit on my Armani sheets.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yeah, I tend not to like women without teeth and smelling like cow shit.”