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Page 12

  She looked up at me confused. I shook my head. “These children, I know them. I know these children. You’ve killed them.”

  I explained this rather calmly, afraid of what she might do. She just looked at me seemingly emotionless, but then I saw the tear running down her cheek. I hurt her feelings. My rejection, it hurt her. I realized at that moment that I was judging the actions of something I didn’t understand. Maybe this is how she ate, much like me and my Pa would hunt deer. She was obviously lonely, and I must have given her something she hadn’t in a long time…attention.

  Now I hurt her. I began to fear how she would react. I stepped back and she looked up at me. “Go then.”

  She grabbed ahold of my arm and before I knew it we were tearing back through the tunnel at absurd speeds. We pulled out of the cave and back into the vast open water. She pulled me to the surface and before I knew it she was gone, lost beneath me. I remained there for a bit, floating in the lake. Then I saw her floating nearby.

  I felt bad that I hurt her. She killed those children I knew so well, but who am I to judge her for that. She’s not human, so she isn’t a cannibal, just a hunter. How many times have I eaten veal? That’s baby cow. Maybe to her, human kids are like veal.

  I had insulted her and wanted to apologize. I wanted to explain my insulting behavior. I approached her and reached out. It wasn’t her. I felt my hand wrapped around the small naked corpse of the little girl who disappeared a week ago, the girl I saw in the cave. Her eyeless face looked up at me in the moonlight. I felt ill as I stared at the little girl’s corpse. Then I heard small splashing sounds all around me. My initial fear was that the mermaid had friends, other mermaids and my insult made them all mad. I figured they would take me below the surface and tear me apart.

  There were no other mermaids. What had been splashing all around me were the small bodies from the cave surfacing. All around me I was surrounded by the missing children of Eutaw.

  “What the fuck?” The voice came from the shore; it was a voice I knew well. It was Sheriff Jack Tanner. “Boy, I suggest you come to shore and surrender yourself or I’ll shoot you dead in the water. Let the gators eat your fucking ass up.”

  That night I was arrested and charged with the death of forty six children. I told them the story about the mermaid. They obviously didn’t believe it. It wasn’t until a few weeks later that police realized that some of these children had been killed when I was no older than an infant, others before I was even born. I was released from the town jail and a dive team entered the lake.

  I waited ashore and watched for hours. They came up with nothing, didn’t even find the cave. The report read that I discovered a dumping spot to a serial killer. My mermaid story was removed from record.

  To this day I return to what is now Tanner’s Lake and wait for the mermaid. I haven’t seen her since. I sit out there and wait, straining my ears to hear that enchanting song which I can still hear in my head on quiet nights. Even after all these years, I still wanted nothing more than to apologize.

  Reunion in Hell

  The wind carried the cold November air throughout the bare tree limbs; limbs which hung low to the ground giving them the appearance that they were skeletons in mourning. The rain was light but the clouds were quickly taking over the skies as the darkness blocked out the sun. It could only be assumed that the velocity of the rain would surely pick up. Laura, pulling the hood over her head to block the raindrops, carried on towards the house.

  It stood two stories, every window boarded up with plywood. It looked as if every inch of this house had been spray-painted with graffiti; the artists being the local teens whom stood defiant against the “No Trespassing” sign posted at the front.

  The iron fence was rusted, each post bent in a different direction and many posts were missing. Overgrowth quickly covered the fence, which imprisoned the house.

  (Laura you don’t have to do this)

  She stepped across the broken concrete walkway; memories of her childhood streamed through her brain like an old reel to reel movie. She was in awe at the state of this house; a living nightmare. It was something from a horror movie, a place which breeds dread and bleeds misery. This house went to hell, and it’s hell where this house shall remain.

  She pulled open the front door and stepped inside.

  She almost collapsed, for although she expected the inside to take a likeness to the rotting exterior it had not. To her surprise the house was beautiful inside. The carpet was nice, rich and vibrant with colors. The walls were clean and free of graffiti. Instead they were plastered with family portraits, portraits of her and the many others which made up her family. There were smiles, sometimes genuine, other times forced.

  A giant chandelier illuminated the room; the warm glow creating a comforting atmosphere of low light ambience. This light complimented the fine furniture all around her. The house, it was precisely as she recalled, but how on earth was this possible? How could such life be preserved within this carcass of a house?

  “Laura? Come here sweetie” A woman’s voice called from upstairs. That beautiful, low and wonderful voice was so familiar; could that really the voice of her mother?

  “Mom?” Laura called out. Her voice got caught on the way out but somehow she managed to get it out.

  “Coming mommy!” an excited young girl’s voice replied. Laura made her way over to the stairs as a little girl with a purple dress and pigtails trailing dashed out of a room and across the hall. She ran to the far left room laughing. “I’m coming.”

  Laura felt her chest constrict, her breath shorten and a sense of fear travel from her abdomen to her bowels. What was this she was witnessing? Was she hallucinating? Were her memories so vivid they manifested before her eyes; if so how is it possible

  (Laura, turn back you fool. This isn’t meant to be seen. The fact that you are seeing it is devastating in itself. You stupid bitch, don’t you understand the term paradox?)

  She carried herself on fragile legs that moved like iron weights but wobbled like old chair legs. She used the hand rail for support as she practically pulled herself up the steps, fearing her legs would give out along with her bladder. When she reached the top and turned towards the room she finally collapsed like a sack of flour.

  It was her mother. She was so young and stunning. Her red hair was tied up with a few curly locks falling in her face. Her makeup was applied with perfection and helped emphasis the natural beauty that was already there. She wore a sundress, with graphics of flowers all across a white fabric. Her lips, her cheeks, her eyes…it all was so real.

  (Look at her Laura. There she is. Didn’t you miss her?)

  “Mom?” Laura called out, but she was either ignored or not heard. Her voice seemed different than the ones of her mom and this little girl. Her voice seemed more watery, atmospheric and ethereal; in their voices she could hear a hint of static. It was like they were being played on an old tape.

  The room walls were blue with little balloons. A banner hung in the room proudly proclaiming “It’s a boy”. Her mother was standing beside a crib, her hand inside as she played with a little baby. It was her little brother Danny.

  “How was school today?” She asked the little girl.

  “A boy kept…”

  Laura opened her mouth and spoke along with the child, their voices in synch. She remembered this conversation. “…pulling my hair. It made me real mad.”

  “Oh honey, that means he likes you; he wants to be your boyfriend.” She said to the little girl.

  Both Laura and the little girl responded. “Yuck, boys are gross.” She couldn’t help but smile. Warmth overcame her as she felt like she was inside the body of this little girl. Her mind felt free like a child’s, a freedom which one loses as they become an adult.

  There was a sound outside of a car door slamming. Laura’s mom and the little girl jumped; Danny began to cry. Her mom’s face quickly changed; her smile dropping off her face along with her skin tone. She
was petrified. Her lips trembled; she swallowed and cleared her throat. Nervously she threw on a fake smile.

  “Honey, I want you to go and get ready for bed, I’ll be in there in a few minutes. Daddies home and mommy has to talk to him.” She tried hard to sound calm, and she could easily fool a child into believing her, but Laura was grown now. That gullible world was no more and now she could see the panic and fear; she could see that which she was blind to all those years prior.

  “Ok mommy, I love you.”

  “I love you too Laura.” And the little girl turned and ran towards Laura. The little girl ran right past her; her pigtails brushing Laura’s side. She felt the butterflies in her stomach rise. She turned to watch the little apparition of herself skip down the hall and turn a corner into a room. She wished she could escape this adult body; abandon it like a hermit crab vacates its shell.

  A scream tore her attention back to the room, however everything had changed.

  The walls were grimy, and covered in graffiti.

  (Joey jacked off here-1998…Tif and Patrick forever…Tif is a whore…Fuck you pussy…If you want good head call Tif…Joey jacked off again-1999…Tif is a slut with HIV, call her 1-434-875-5565)

  The floors were a terrain of filth. Garbage, needles, condoms, porn mags, dead bugs; it all littered the floor of Danny’s room. The beautiful, surreal ghost world was gone. She was left in the decomposing innards of a rotting house.

  Her mother was in the far corner, back to her and crying into her hands. She stood before a filthy crib. Her dress was all torn. Her hair a mess, full of twigs and mud and as the ghost cried she heard the door downstairs opening. It was her father.

  Laura ran over to her mom. She knew this situation was insane, her mom had been dead for so long. There was no way this was real, however her rational sense of things was buried now. She was living within the instant, and at this moment her mother was in trouble. “Mom, don’t cry! I won’t let him hurt you.”

  The woman turned around. Her face was sunken in, her skin decomposing. Her face was full of exposed bone and sinew. Her eyes were bloodshot; her skin pale as paper. “You are too late Laura; you are far to fucking late. Look what he made me do!”

  And the woman thrust her arms forward, wrists pouring blood onto the floor. The blood flow was absurd, flowing like a busted pipe. If this kept up she feared the room would surely flood. She imagined drowning in this room, sucking in mouthfuls of blood while floating here for eternity.

  Laura turned and ran out of the room; leaving behind the screaming, bleeding corpse.

  (That’s right Laura, run away, that’s what you always do isn’t it? Run away. You spent your entire fucking life running, why stop now.)

  “Shut the fuck up and get out of my head!” She screamed as she dashed down the stairs. The living room was the same as the upstairs, a shit hole of trash and filth. It was a perfect reflection of this house and a superb metaphor for her life since she left this miserable place. She rushed across the floor and pulled on the door handle, but it would not budge. “Open you fucking cocksucker!”

  (Laura you’re fucked, I told you not to come here!)

  “Please, let me be!” She screamed into the air as she frantically smashed her fists against the plywood which covered the broken windows. She beat her little fists until blood began to fall down her hands, screaming on the top of her lungs.


  The voice came from behind her, and when she spun around she nearly fell to the ground. Standing in the door frame was her father. He was tall and a little fat from drinking. He was wearing a muscle shirt which advertised “Bush” beer. His short, greasy hair hung just above his brow.


  “What’s the matter Laura?”

  “You… you’re dead. Mom is dead. Danny is fucking dead! Why is this happening?” She cried out as she collapsed to the ground. Her father smiled, took a sip from a bottle of Jim Beam, and shook his head.

  “Laura, you are one fucked up bitch. But haven’t you always been?”

  “Fuck you!”

  “I play with your pussy a little and you run and tell mommy. Of course I killed her, Danny to. But the truth is that you don’t understand. I’m not dead. Your mom’s not dead. Danny’s not dead either…”

  “Fucking liar!” She screamed as she got up and pushed past him. He laughed.

  “Laura, it’s not as it seems, we all create the world we live in!”

  She ran down the hallway which seemed to grow, stretching forever in front of her. She couldn’t even see the end. The walls were covered in what looked like blood. Trash littered the ground at first but soon this was replaced with bones; bones of dogs and cats. After a few more feet these bones began to resemble those of people.

  She continued to cry out and scream as her father’s laugh throbbed through her feverish head. She clawed at her eyes, wanting to rip them out and forget everything she saw. She now wished she never came here.

  (I told you…)

  “You say one more goddamn thing I swear to god.”

  (What? What are you going to do?)

  She stopped in her tracks and reached into her waist band of her pants. She pulled a small revolver from her waist and placed it hard against her head. She screamed out. “I will blow my fucking brains out and kill us both; miserable fucking whore!”

  “Why would you want to do that?” A man asked as he stepped forward from the shadows. He was well dressed in a red suit and tie. His hair was well groomed, a handsome man. With his manicured hand he motioned for her to lower the gun. “Why spoil such a pretty face?”

  “Who the fuck are you” She screamed out as she swung the gun forward; pointing it at the man. Her heart beat increased, her breathing was rapid and chaotic. She ground her teeth as she spoke. “You got about three fucking seconds to explain yourself before I rip a hole through your pretty boy fucking head.”

  “Big sister, this is how you treat family?” as asked laughing.

  “I don’t understand? My brother died.”

  “No, I didn’t die; in fact I couldn’t be more alive. I’m a very successful business man, a real estate king of sorts. Mom and dad are quite proud of me.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I see and understand your confusion. I can’t say any more. Just know this one thing big sis; we all create the lives we live and we all decide where they go. This house has a million doors, all which lead to a million lives. You have been given a chance to open a new door; onto a new life…don’t fuck it up again?”

  “What are you saying? I’m lost.”

  “You always seem to get lost. Honestly I don’t understand why you call this a vacation. Keep going and maybe we’ll see each other again; if you pick the right door that is.”

  “Which door?” But before she could ask anything else the man collapsed onto the ground. Within seconds the body disintegrated to bones.

  (How many times will you walk this hallway?)

  “What do you mean? I never have been here…” And before she could finish she knew it was a lie. She had been here many times. She has come to this house every night, and traveled down this hallway each time. She began to realize and allowed herself to understand. Suddenly she was no longer afraid and no longer was she confused.

  (Ah, you see again now don’t you.)

  “I am sorry. I always choose to forget.”

  (I am glad you see now. Your vacation choices suck. Welcome back to Hell.)

  “Home sweet home; I just can’t seem to find the right door.”

  (Ha, you got to keep trying sweetie. There is a life out there that is just waiting for us; that is if you would stop coming back to this goddamn house.)

  “I know I got to; the nightmares are so strong. The dreams kill me in that world.”

  (Hold on to your vacation as long as possible will ya?)

  “Yeah, this time I will try hard to not be some socially retarded, emotional roller coaster.”

d stay the fuck away from the house.)

  “I will.” She quickly began removing her clothes until she was naked. She continued down the hallway, skipping now past the old bones and rotting limbs. She skipped past the blood drenched walls, past the agonizing screams of the tortured, past the windows which looked out onto a world of pain and misery.

  When she came to the end of the hallway she found herself in a giant spherical room. The room seemed to stretch miles in all directions, and every inch of the room was covered with a door; every door was labeled with a different name.

  Her skin began to fall free from her bones like liquid. It collected in a pool beneath her hooves and revealed not bones, but the red scales of a beast. Her head was that of a massive hawk. Her body was the shape of a woman but skin like a red snake; behind her was a massive tail made of flames. She raised her arms as bat like wings expanded a mile out on each side of her, and like a bullet she shot into the air.

  She flew as she read out loud the names. “Bethany Smith, Chad Rogers, Danny Glover, Richard Philips, Ricky Lawrence, Rachel Gothier, Becca Downs”

  She flew for weeks as she read out loud the names. She was looking for her next victim, the next woman or man she would possess; her vacation.

  The Corpse Whore

  “Valdese Accounting, how may I assist you?” He answered the phone in his bogus, pitiful work voice. He detested the voice. This was the voice of an ass kisser. There was no better way to acknowledge defeat and at the same time totally empower those listening on the other end. It was bubbly and pleasing to hear…not to him though. To speak like this made him want to run to the nearest window and swan dive out onto the pavement below; splatter his stupid fucking head all over the street below.

  “Yeah, I got this bill in the mail from the Caldwell Community Hospital. The bill here states I owe one thousand and twenty three dollars. My question is, are you out of your fucking mind?”

  This is what his life had boiled down to. All honors in high school, no criminal record and a college degree to top it off; and now this was his life. He woke up from a restless sleep, drank cheap instant coffee and swallowed empty calories. He drove from Hickory, a place which kind of resembled modern existence (at least there was a Starbucks) and made his way to the little shit hole called Valdese. This town was the spunk from a redneck’s cock that dripped down when he pulled it out of his sheep’s ass. This was a hick haven and he constantly had to deal with their verbal, unintelligent, assaults.